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Informatica признаны лидерами Магического квадранта Гартнера шестой год подряд

18 марта 2014 Ежегодно в течение последних шести лет независимые исследователи Gartner признают компанию Informatica одними из лидеров Магического квадранта в области инструментов управления качеством данных (Data Quality). Вице-президент и генеральный менеджер Informatica уверен, компания удостоена звания «лидер» за счет поставки качественного продукта, а также искреннего желания помочь своим клиентам развить гибкость и реализовать потенциал благодаря качественной и достоверной информации. Узнать о преимущества компании Informatica перед конкурентами, а также загрузить полную версию отчета Gartner Вы можете у нас на сайте! (Статья опубликована на английском языке)
"Informatica's leadership position in the Gartner Data Quality Magic Quadrant is testament to the fact that we continue to innovate our best-in-class platform for data integration and data quality," said Ash Kulkarni, senior vice president and general manager of data integration at Informatica. "We remain focused on helping businesses realize their full information potential by increasing business agility through improving the quality and trustworthiness of data for critical business processes."

Gartner's 2013 Data Quality Magic Quadrant report defines leaders as those who "demonstrate strength across a full range of data quality functions, including profiling, parsing, standardization, matching, validation and enrichment. They exhibit a clear understanding and vision of where the market is headed, including recognition of non-customer data quality issues and delivery of enterprise-level data quality implementations. Leaders have an established market presence, significant size and a multinational presence (directly or as a result of a parent company)."

Informatica Data Quality allows a business to take responsibility for the accuracy, consistency and completeness of their data-driven operations through holistic data stewardship and highly collaborative approaches. Our Informatica Data Quality increases the impact of data on your business with:
  • Faster time to quality data by increasing corporate-wide collaboration and productivity through reusable business rules that expedite development, testing and deployment – while maintaining business consistency
  • Proven technology and processes for continuous quality improvement built upon a scalable, truly integrated data quality and governance solution
  • Greater flexibility to apply data quality rules where they are most effective – at the point of entry, mid-data stream, on the backend, or in the Cloud – wherever and whenever you decide
Powered by the Vibe™, virtual data machine, Informatica Data Quality ensures that only high-quality data is consistently used across your entire organizations – increasing trust in the data, greater confidence in the results, and stronger governance across your business.

Source:  informatica.com