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SAP - лучший поставщик решений по управлению корпоративными финансами

26 июня 2012 Компания SAP во второй раз была признана лучшим поставщиком решений по управлению корпоративными финансами на основе исследования, проведенного Ventana Research, лидирующим бенчмаркинговым и консалтинговым агентством. Получение звания “Hot Vendor” во второй раз доказывает, что пользователи получают максимальную потребительскую ценность от решений компании SAP, которые превзошли по этому показателю решения таких компаний, как IBM, Infor и Oracle. Благодаря индексу, разработанному Ventana Research, потребители могут четко соотнести их бизнес-потребности с продуктами поставщиков. (Новость опубликована на английском языке. Отчет Вы можете скачать ниже)
SAP led the overall ranking in the Value Index compared to other vendors such as IBM, Infor and Oracle in the Value Index, which can help organizations to accurately match their specific business needs to vendors' products.

The Value Index evaluates software in the context of seven key categories. Five are product-related: usability, manageability, reliability, capability and adaptability. Additionally, two customer assurance categories assess total cost of ownership (TCO) plus return on investment (ROI), as well as validation.

This evaluation framework provides an assessment of how well vendors' offerings meet buyers' requirements for software designed to support FPM. The Value Index captures the value offered by a vendor and its products via a clear, accessible graphical representation, as well as a precise index percentage. Using the Value Index, organizations can evaluate vendors and their products to ascertain the value of applications to address their business-critical requirements.

"Ventana Research's recognition of our leadership in the financial performance management applications market acknowledges that SAP is helping its customers truly revolutionize the decision-making process," said Bryan Katis, group vice president and general manager, EPM Solutions Management, SAP. "Enterprise performance management solutions from SAP help finance professionals gain real-time visibility into performance metrics, quickly adapt to changing business conditions and drive savvier decision-making"

Source: sap.com
2012 Value Index for Financial Performance ManagementVentana Reserch
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