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Новое совместное исследование компании SAS и HBR "The Evolution of Decision Making: How Leading Organizations Are Adopting a Data-Driven Culture"

2 октября 2012 Новое совместное исследование компании SAS и Harvard Business Review Analytic Services показало, что все больше компаний признают пользу от использования бизнес-аналитики. Большая часть среди опрошенных 646 руководителей различных компаний говорит о том, что они были довольны результатами внедрения решений по бизнес-аналитике – повышением продуктивности, уменьшением рисков, более быстрым и качественным принятием решений.
Исследование также показало, что сотрудники компаний, которые правильно используют все возможности данных,  – более креативны, инициативны, чаще генерируют новые идеи. Руководство подобных компаний в свою очередь имеет возможность легко тестировать все поступающие идеи, давать фидбек подчиненным, а также поощрять коллаборацию и инновации в компании. (Материал опубликован на английском языке)

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"In consumer products, you might think there isn't much reason to invest in another new laundry detergent, but consumers respond strongly to innovation," said Filippo Passerini, Group President of Global Business Services and Chief Information Officer of Procter & Gamble, in the report. He added, "What's different now is the tools allow me to see what was important last year, last quarter and last week so I can understand what will happen tomorrow, next month and next year. That is a huge conceptual shift in thinking. We've used data analysis for 50 years, but we're just beginning to develop predictive ability through business models to anticipate what's coming."

Organizations earlier in their use of analytics tools reported less agile response to changing markets and less innovation. Even while recognizing the need to step up analytical decision making, many lack processes to do so.

"As timely decision making becomes more important, analytics is improving and changing the way those decisions get made," said Angelia Herrin, Research and Special Projects Editor at Harvard Business Review. "This survey shows that analytics is not just a tool or a technology as much as a driver of a decision-making discipline that ushers in an era of cultural change – and improved performance."

Data-driven companies become wiser companies

The survey, sponsored by SAS, also found specific steps taken by organizations evolving their decision process:
  • Executives and staff members enhance analytical skills.
  • Analytics professionals become trusted internal consultants.
  • Business users balance analytical insights with managerial instincts.
  • Organizations create an "analytics ecosystem" that promotes transparent decision making.

"The point of becoming a data-driven company is to become a wiser company by making better decisions," said Jim Bander, National Manager of Decision Sciences in the Risk Management Department of Toyota Financial Services, in the report. "And that isn't simply a matter of data but of fitting analytics into your corporate culture. For example, Toyota has a culture of continuous improvement and respect for people, including consensus building. My job is to fit analytics and data-driven decision making into that kaizen framework. An organization with a different corporate culture – whether a mass-production manufacturer or a Silicon Valley startup or a government agency – would find a very different way to integrate analytics into its decision-making processes."

Analytics skills benefit individuals and organizations

Analytics can usher in cultural change and improved performance for individuals as well as organizations. Four in 10 surveyed said using analytics improved the importance of their functional areas within their organizations.

What is the progression toward an analytics culture? Download the October 2012 report The Evolution of Decision Making: How Leading Organizations Are Adopting a Data-Driven Culture, to learn about evolutionary stages and real-world examples from Macys.com, Procter & Gamble, J.P. Morgan Chase, Bosch Security Systems, The Standard, Monsanto, and Toyota Financial Services. The report presents insights from an online survey of 646 Harvard Business Review subscribers across industries and 10 in-depth subscriber interviews. Approximately 40 percent of respondents were from the Americas; 30 percent from Europe, the Middle East or Africa; and 30 percent from Asia.

Source: sas.com
The Evolution of Decision Making: How Leading Organizations Are Adopting a Data-Driven CultureСовместное исследование компании SAS и Harvard Business Review Analytic Services
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